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Oh for my Mother and Father!
With all our sorrow you are gone from us,
never to be seen again on this plain.
But worry not,
you are not,
nor shall you ever be forgotten.

Raised in a small community,
rarely travelling very far,
working in jobs
that had little importance
to the outside world.
Did you ever wonder,
did it cross your mind,
what have we done for the world?

No books were written,
music made,
they weren’t in plays or movies,
no heroes of global disasters.
Will they be remembered? Our father rushed to the side of his friend,
who was suffering a heart attack.
His application of CPR at that time
was the only thing that provided life
for his friend for another 15 years.

That friend was also
a husband and father
to a loving family that never forgot.

You were parents and friends.
You gave birth to sons and daughters,
who in turn produced sons and daughters,
and so on.
And each of these
will make their own contributions,
large and small,
to the fabric of mankind.
Royce E Tuck