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Short Takes


1.      Don't put the family into the church. Put the Church into the family.

2.      We are all God's children; some are just more childish than others.

3.      Explore God's message to understand, don't memorize the words to repeat.

4.      The question is not DOES God speak to us everyday. The question is: Do we listen?

5.      Do we blame the Jews for the death of Jesus, or should we blame ourselves for needing it?

6.      God knows the manner of our life and the time of our death. Let's try not to give him reason to worry.

7.      God Bless the USA, and everyone else.

8.      And God, if I shall die tonight and meet you in the morn, may I be able to face you with happiness and not with shame.

9.      If life is a road trip and Heaven is the destination, then Jesus is AAA.

10.  We are God's children. Kids should play nice with each other.

11.  The Great Spirit has given us this land for as long as the grass grows and the wind blows. Thank you, God.

12.  Even if the old joke is true, that Jesus didn't walk on water, that he just knew where the steps were.

Who are you going to follow, the terrified men in the boat, or the man that knew the path to walk?

13.  The Force is With You; and has been since the cross.

14.  Samson told Delilah how to bind him and she tried and failed. Again he told her how to bind him with rope and she tried and failed. Again he told her to weave his hair to make him weak, and she tried and failed. It was the FOURTH time that he told her to shave his head. God finds the most dedicated to carry out his plan, but sometimes you have to wonder if he finds the brightest. But maybe the lesson is that it is more important to follow than to know why.

15.  When science can produce thousands of species of life, provide millions of different plants for them to eat, and do it all in a million year self-sustaining environment. THEN we can discuss if there is a God!

16.  If today is the first day of the rest of your life. What does that make tomorrow.

17.  Jesus knew he was the Son of God, Jesus knew he healed the sick and raised the dead. Jesus knew he was to die on the cross for sins that were not his. It is not my place to argue with what he knew, but to do my best to not make it a death in vain.

18.  Moses wandered the desert the desert for forty years to find the way. Lucky for us, Jesus provided a map and directions. Now, if we are just wise enough to follow them.

19.  You have proof there is no God? I am sure HE will ask you about it when you meet.

20.  I am often left to wonder why we sit beneath an expensive glorious chandelier, to study a book written by candlelight.

21.  I guess early morning sermons are proof that God is a morning person.

22.  A church is not the building, but the people in it.

23.  Rainbows remind us that God will not destroy us by flood again. Lightening and thunder reminds us that he has other methods to use.

24.  If we aren�t suppose to sleep during church, why do we close our eyes to pray.

25.  Eve was made from the rib of Adam. Remember a rib is part of the strength, support and protection of the heart. It did not come from beneath his feet.

26.  The majority of babies are born at night, the first indication that God determines our timeline, not us.

27.  God created the animals of the Earth, and then Adam and Eve. Let us remember that difference and treat our children, not as animals but as the first children of God.

28.  Let us not concentrate on the meaning of a single word while missing the message of the passage.

29.  Samson slew thousands with the jawbone of an ass�. Kind of makes nuclear weapons look like real overkill.

30.  Faith does not put us closer to God, but it does make communication easier.

31.  Be wary of a �God Fearing� person, and seek out the one that believes in a God without fear.

32.  Would God really want us to learn of his Son, by reading a manuscript that is 400 years old, in a syntax that few really understand? Or do we use it in addition to more modern translations that permit a fuller understanding of His Glory?

33.  Jesus is the Light of the World. We only need to ask him to open our eyes to see.

34.  Faith in Christ is like a tree. It begins with a small seed of hope and grows strong in the light and gentle rain. Love, raining from above, allows us to grow tall, full and strong.

35.  As we are told, we should love our enemies. However it is not a sin to distrust them. After all, they rarely have your best interest at heart.

36.  God is the power

Jesus is the light,

Faith is the switch,

Turn it on,

And view the world.


See clearly the truth,

Banish the shadows of lies,

Erase the darkness of fear,

Clearly see the path to walk,

And in safety and joy, walk home.


37.  If we are the Sons and Daughters of God, and if Jesus is our Brother, shouldn�t we try to follow the family rules?

38.  �I am sorry, I believe��. An apology that lasts an eternity.

39.  If we were better Christians, we wouldn�t have to search for new people to join us, they would be looking for us.

40.  Don�t read the verses. Read the Bible.

41.  Does God still perform Miracles? Ask the preemie baby that is allowed to cry. Ask the little girl saved by the Fireman from her burning home. Ask the man with a new heart that holds his grandchildren close. To believe do we need to see His hand caress the infant cheek, guide the smoke blinded Fireman, or calm the surgeon�s hand?

42.  Moses carved the Ten Commandments into stone tablets to present to the people. I am not sure if I would want to see the list he would create with a computer.

43.  The American military is the single most powerful force in man�s world. Before we use it we should be sure it would be the Army of Moses, used to free an oppressed people, and not the Army of Midas, used for personal goals.

44.  Which are you? �Good morning, God!� or �Good God! Morning?!�

45.  Do you ever sit in a boring Sunday sermon and wonder if God would say, �I don�t blame you, I would go fishing too�!

46.  Of all the biblical figures, only Noah, during his voyage in the Ark, would really understand the mess, noise and frustration of a parent with a teenager.

47.  One man looks at another and says, �Last month I told the guy I had didn�t like my job and he called me a �blabbering fool�. Now that he is a church-boy he says he�ll pray for me! I can�t understand what the guy is saying, it�s like he speaks a different language now!� Maybe there is something to that talking in tongues.

48.  American comedian, Red Skelton, was fond of saying, �I don�t hate my enemies. After all, I made them.� Good advice.

49.  �And God if there is a Choir in Heaven, please don�t let Aunt Martha in it. Father says she has a voice that would tarnish brass. Amen�

50.  �God helps those who help themselves.� It�s not in the bible. But Noah did build his own boat.

51.  The motto of every Christian should be, �We are in God�s world. There is no question to small to be asked, no problem so large to be helped, and no heart that cannot accept more love.�
